Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fibonacci Sequence

So I've decided not to use my paintings for my capstone and use my sculptures instead.  I usually have a hard time finishing paintings and I don't want to risk having to present unfinished or sloppy paintings.  I still plan on finishing them for my painting class.  I'm also not as interested in the concept I have for the paintings as I was last semester, which I think was obvious in my last presentation.  By doing these paintings, I feel I am only trying to recreate what I did last semester and changing a few things. 

I have been working on my sculptures all semester and I feel I have a better chance of finishing them on time for the Capstone show.  My sculptures are more formal and less conceptual than the paintings.

There are a couple of sketches for the sculptures that I have put in a previous post from earlier this semester.  The sculptures are based off of the Fibonacci spiral.  I got inspiration to do the sculptures after reading The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty by H.E. Huntley.

Above is the Fibonacci spiral which I used as a template.  I cut 21 squares of every size and etched the spiral into Masonite using the laser cutter.  I then began stacking the squares in different ways to see what new designs I could create with the spiral.

Here are the pieces I have come up with by stacking the squares and example of what might be in the show:

And here are close ups of most of them which are most often made with one of each size square for every design:

 This is the very first one I made.  There are four pieces of masonite stacked for each size.  When viewed directly above the smallest squares at the top left, you can see a new arc.

 This one is the largest and my favorite so far.  Its about three feet by three feet and made with four of each size square.


 This is made with two of each size square.

 This one was the first and only design I used that I drew in my sketch book.  The sketch is in a previous post.  This one I will have to rebuild because, due to my impatience, did not hold up very well and the pieces were not laying flat.  Luckily I have extra in case I decide to use this one. 

 This is just a side view of what is pictured above to show the depth of most of them.

I plan to display the pieces that are going to be in the show on the wall so I will build frames for the ones I decide to use.  Because I am using the Fibonacci spiral which is found in nature, I am going to paint each of these in colors found in nature. 

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