Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ideas for Project #1: Multiples

Above are a couple of objects (a maraca-left, an eraser puzzle box- right)  I'm considering using for the multiples project.  I am still deciding how I want to make the molds and what I could use these objects for if I had a lot of them.  Here are a few ideas:
These would just be halves of the eraser puzzle boxes that can be put together.

Or a piece of the box could serve as a lid.  Either way these boxes could hold something...a marble or a fortune from a fortune cookie that one might like to keep.

These are just a couple drawn out ideas of what I could do with the maracas.  The top drawing would basically just be a bouquet of quiet maracas and the second are maracas stacked on top of each other.   Hopefully I can come up with more ideas later.